Sunday, November 23, 2008

53 days and counting

53 days since we had to cease and desist. We've spent over a grand on plans and fines and we are still not clear to proceed. This sucks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Farewell Olive Owl

We haven't seen Olive in weeks. We dreamed/imagined that Olive found a mate. Illustration by Julian.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Pink Elephant

Well the pink elephant in the room for the last month has been this citation from the City of Tampa. Yeah, we did all that work in September without the benefit of sharing our plans with the city. We got a citation on October 1st telling us to cease and decist, and to file appropriate plans with the city. After weeks of no progress we are finally starting to move again. The plans have been drawn up and submitted, and we've even met with an inspector. He wasn't a bad guy at all!

Come what may, we are moving forward....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Confucius also say

In passing by the side of Mount Thai, Confucius came on a woman who was weeping bitterly by a grave. The Master pressed forward and drove quickly to her; then he sent Tze-lu to question her. "Your wailing," said he, "is that of one who has suffered sorrow on sorrow." She replied, "That is so. Once my husband's father was killed here by a tiger. My husband was also killed, and now my son has died in the same way." The Master said, "Why do you not leave the place?" The answer was, "There is no oppressive government here." The master then said, "Remember this, my children; oppressive government is more terrible than tigers."

Confucius say

The extension of knowledge is by the investigation of things.
Things being investigated, the knowledge of them became complete.
Knowledge being complete, the thoughts were sincere.
The thoughts being sincere, the hearts were made upright.
The hearts being upright, the person was cultivated.
The person being cultivated, families were regulated.
Families being regulated, the States were rightly governed.
The States being rightly governed, the whole kingdom was made tranquil and happy.