Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bye Bye Rocket Fan!

I sold the Rocket Fan on Craigslist for $60... not bad! The people who bought it were so nice, and not at all bothered by the fact that it was NOT going to light up their boys' bedroom (which they had just decorated all in rocket-themed stuff!)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fifth of July

It's been a long productive day. Jimmy did some painting yesterday a.m., then cleaned out the bandroom and shop-vac'd it this a.m. I cleaned the outer windows, except the one with the wasp nest. Joe (and Sammie) came over and we began the flooring project. It is almost done! Photos to come.

Third of July

We got a lot of painting and cleaning done on the 3rd of July. Jimmy worked on the details and trim, I cleaned windows. Nicest part was that we were in the air conditioning!!! The kids came out for photo time. Don't think for a moment that they actually helped!

Whooooo's There?

Last night I took out the trash at dusk and heard LOUD screech owl sounds coming from the tree across the street. I went over and listened for a minute, then came back to the house to get Jimmy & the kids. We went out to the tree and heard nothing... then, TWO owls came swooping out of our neighbor's oak, over to our pine, then into another neighbor's oaks.... WOW!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Miracle of Air Conditioning!

Today Matt came by to finish the electrical outlets and install the switches. He also installed the AC unit and the ceiling fan! Woo hoo!!!

Jimmy took out the rocket fan from Julian's bedroom and replaced it with a boring old white fan, and we are all happy. Just posted an ad on Craigslist for the rocket fan. Good riddance!