Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Termite Doomsday

Thursday, June 11 — It had been on the calendar for months... the week when everything would be perfect and we could tent the house. My folks took the kids for a long weekend (which included a trip to Alexander Springs); the animals were boarded; the medicines, food, and toiletries stowed in gas proof bags; and finally, Jimmy and I moved in with my grandparents.
It was hard to take poor Laika to be boarded, just days after she lost her brother and litter-mate, whom she had never been apart from for more than a few hours.
Saturday a.m. they called and told us we could come back in, so I had a day all to myself, to clean and clear my kitchen... special thanks to Graham Parsons and Paul Westerburg for some excellent tunes to clean by. I threw out a canister of 19-year-old cocoa!!! Whoa!!! Also threw out about a million expired vitamins and medicines....

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