Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I had the kids all excited about recycling our scrap metal. Just about every Sunday night, we see folks coming around in trucks or even trucks with trailers, picking through people's trash for scrap metal... so, as we've worked on this remodel, we've been setting aside the scrap.

We took it way out to East Tampa and stood there in line, in the heat with our scrap metal... all $1.95 worth of it.

The kids were actually pretty psyched to get a dollar each.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hehe, I remember living with Ansley and taking months worth of beer cans to the recycling joint... (yup, it stunk...) when we were done, we had enough for a 12 pack of Busch(which we bought and drank with glee.)

oh... the good ole days... (ick)